Since last Fall, testing for PFAS contamination has continued, executed by the engineering company, Fuss & O’Neill. To th ebest of our knowledge, testing has not been done anywhere other than town property. So, while the town knows contamination levels on town property, it doesn’t know how far the groundwater in the area has spread the contamination. But we do know groundwater flow moves west and south toward Reedy Meadow Brook.

The EPA has not readjusted the cutoff contamination level of 20 PPT. Here is the Mass DEP IRA notification.  Here is the Water Resource Protection Overlay District map for the area.

Here is the January 2023 report.  Please see the included diagram, linked here.

Here is the April 2023 Soils Report.

Here is the August Immediate Response Action Status report.

And here is the October 2023 report which appears to be the wrap up. This is a technical, and long report. We have only just cracked this open; our Conservation Commission, Department of Public Works, and local conservation groups will be carefully digesting the information. More to come.