Here we include letters which have been written to the Planning Board and the DHCD from town citizens and committees concerned about the 40R zoning change. We realize this is one-sided as we are not including letters of support. But given the marketing initiative launched by the Town Planner and Planning Board using videos and presentations, we hope you will excuse us for focusing on the counterpoint perspective. Regarding the citizen group letters, we have omitted names but more than 30 people signed the letters or sent their own.
Town Engineer letter to DHCD
Agricultural Commission: 9/12/22 letter to DHCD; APR walking path letter to DHCD
Climate Change Council: letter of 9/24/22
Conservation Commission: letter of 7/26/22
Nashua River Watershed Association: 9/13/22 letter to DHCD
Concerned Citizens: letter to Pepperell Planning Board; letter to DHCD
Concerned Citizens: Pepperell Water Supply Threats, Comments on 40R to Planning Board, AHDAB letter to DHCD
Light Air Noise Bylaw Committee: Final Response to Planning Board on Lighting Design Guidelines, 7/22.
If, after reading this website and doing whatever additional research you need to do, you want to write the DHCD here’s the principal person, address and email:
William Reyelt, Principal Planner, Smart Growth Programs, Massachusetts Dept. of Housing & Community Development, 100 Cambridge St, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02114. His email is: